Freeing myself from having to make more money was a huge step for me. But it couldn’t come until there was (reliably) enough money coming in. Ancient Jewish teaching: Who is rich? One who is satisfied with their portion.

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Mmmm, yes. Satisfaction really is the point, isn't it?

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😊 One of the things I like about this teaching is it doesn’t glorify poverty. But nor does it say “you’ll be happy when you achieve X level of money.” If you find yourself not feeling “rich” you need to inquire into the source of the feeling. Do you really not have enough? Or is it possible that you could become “rich” by pulling the rug out from under the conditioning that always whispers “I need more.”

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YES. And is it possible that what you truly want isn't money, maybe it's fun or adventure or love (or a million other things that you think money will bring you).

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For me, it was “security” that I thought money would bring. But then I recognized that my fear of insecurity had to do with developing a basic trust in the universe—which is different than expecting that everything is always going to go the way I want it to. As I developed that trust, my (neurotic) chase for more and more and more money went away. I’d be happy to have more money. But I’ll also be happy without it.

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YES! I know so many people can relate to this. It’s such a powerful lesson and I feel like it’s one we can only learn from experience, seeing over and over again that we are so supported. (Of course, you have to be looking for those experiences in order to see them.)

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Jun 1Liked by Kelsey Abbott

Love this! I’m a generator with emotional authority and still learning how to listen to my inner wisdom. I left the corporate world in january to do my own thing and am figuring out what it looks like, but I know I want it to be multiple things. Even though that goes against some advice I’ve seen online to go all in on one passion. I see you left instagram and it’s honestly a platform I struggle with but I feel like it’s so necessary to build a business. What has your experience been?!

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Congratulations on leaving the corporate world! Leaving social media has been fantastic for me. I rarely got clients from social media. So many people said they were inspired by my posts, but they never actually wanted to invest in working with me. As one person said, people scroll instagram on the toilet. They’re not exactly looking to invest in something. They just wanted to be numbed or entertained for a few minutes. Your emotional authority will guide you to retire from IG if and when it’s right for you

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Jun 1Liked by Kelsey Abbott

Wow love that perspective and makes so much sense. Thank you so much! 🤍

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You’re welcome!

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Yay to no longer hiding parts of yourself!

This year, I’m committed to feeling the rhythms of my body and listening to her messages and knowing that she is we. I’m committed to creating work that comes from that deep knowing. I’m committed to feeling and sharing abundance.

Thanks for asking and for a great post. ;)

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Ohhhhh Holly, these gave me goosebumps. I’m excited to see how you evolve through this commitment. And thank you and you’re welcome!

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Thank you, Kelsey!

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I resonate deeply, I’m an emotional Projector, and have finally found a space (Substack obvs) where I can bring all parts of me onboard

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Yes, Substack feels like the "better way" I've been looking for since I first started my business.

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This is SO good! A call for us all to write a manifesto and call back our power. 💗 I love you!

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Thank you! I love you! Thank you for being here! Does this mean you'll be writing your manifesto soon?

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Absolutely. I can't wait for it to come through me. You'll be the first to know when it does.

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I’m on board with you in this. It’s time to put myself out there and let the universe take care of the rest. I’ve had some pretty major upheavals in my life recently, but I believe it is all for a reason and all for the good. Abundance will flow.

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Yes abundance will flow! And the universe always knows way better than we do. I wonder where it's guiding you...

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Loved this post and way you show up Kelsey. I'm a 4/6 projector and trying to figure all that out. Like you, I recently realized that it's my mission to create, be open to new ideas and visions for myself and others and trust that the right people will invite me to collaborate/connect/create together. Learning to trust myself is slowly happening. What a fun trip this is.

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Isn't this an awesome adventure? I'm so glad you're here Phyllis! What a delightful surprise!

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This year I am committed to continuing to create the life I want

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Yes! Keep going!!!!

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Hi Kelsey I came to all those conclusions a few years into my business. I gained a great deal of knowledge about myself while learning new skills and dealing with customers. I am now comfortable with the way I do business. It aligns with my core values and the sort of personality that I what to develop. I also don’t feel awkward about asking people to pay for my products. I have lots of skills and experience that other people don’t have the time or inclination to make the effort to achieve. They make a choice.

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Shedding the Shoulds and Finally Doing Business MY Way


“Exposing Yourself For Fun and Profit”







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Welcome Ryan!

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I love love love this! 4/6 Sacral MG here and was actually fired by my first business coach and given a refund because she claimed we weren’t aligned when I wouldn’t ‘do as she said’… best compliment ever! Ha! I love the fact I have my body as my compass… my heart work has flourished since I truly understood that!! X

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I love that!!!! 😂

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Why do I feel and resonate better with many MG people's stories/posts than a pure Generator lol...

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Hi Sekar, there are so many possible reasons...what's your profile? If you have a 3 or a 6 in your profile you can definitely feel more MG-like.

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I'm a 2/4. but I see the merit of keeping the passion alive and not burning ourselves out for the sake of blind consistency.

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Feb 2Liked by Kelsey Abbott

Hello! I’m an MG too, running businesses, social Justice projects, teaching elderly. My content all overlaps which feels amazing!

Finally feeling like my Intuitive choices got me on an aligned path.

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Yes, we're doing it!

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This is fantastic. You do you!

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Thank you, Johnny and thank you so much for your inspiring piece!

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This manifesto resonates deeply! Your commitment to following your intuition and embracing all aspects of yourself, rather than conforming to labels and expectations, is truly inspiring. It's a powerful reminder that success and impact are about authenticity and fulfilling your mission, not just chasing money. Keep shining your unique light! ✨🌟

Explore captivating Romance, Thriller & Suspense, Science Fiction, Horror, and more stories on my Substack for FREE at https://jonahtown.substack.com

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Thank you, Jonah!!!!

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This resonates with me, especially as we live in this hustle culture! Also, I didn't realize youu did/coached triathlons! I've done a few short course and love them (the 70.3 feels way too scary though!) And I definitely want to see those muscles!

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Thank you, Christine! Maybe we can race together this year! Short course races are my favorite. I broke my 10-year-70.3 fast in December when I decided to do a long course aquabike at the last minute. It was surprisingly fun, so maayyyybe I'll give 70.3s another shot this season.

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Oooh that is impressive. If it was just biking and swimming I would love it - it's the running that is my least favorite!

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Well then there’s always the aquabike! They’re harder to find. I did Clash Daytona. It was a great course

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