Ahhh I love this prompt!

Here it goes:

A - astrology, art

B - bright colours, bird songs

C - cats, coffee

D - dogs, dancing

E - evening skies

F - flowing waters, flowers, food

G - guitar (I need to put strings on mine 🫣)

H - hula hooping

I - ice cream

J - jeans that fit just right, Japan

K - kites

L - love, letters, and love letters 🥹 Lady (my dog)

M - mayonaise 🤣 and Muay Thai

N - nighttime

P - painting, piano

Q - Questrade 💰

R - reading

S - styles (and how people rock them), sleep, som tam

T - tea, tennis, travelling

U - uniqueness

V - vulnerable shares

W - walking

Y - yoga

I skipped three letters 🤣 but I'm pretty impressed at the amount of things I actually like. Thank you, Kelsey!

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I love this so much! Thank you for playing!

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Stole this for my stack.


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I love it!

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Love this! Feels like a proper Sunday treat to come up with my own list. Will share in my weekly post later on today. Thanks for this prompt Kelsey & Neera 😊

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Thank you and you’re welcome! I’m excited to see your list!

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May 18Liked by Kelsey Abbott

I love this!

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Thank you, Sandra! What’s on your list?

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May 19Liked by Kelsey Abbott

I'm going to write a post and tag you in it!

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Love this 🖤

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Thank you! Care to share your list?

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A-Archie ☺️

B-Books, Board Games

C-Coffee, Cabin Life, Cheese, Conversation

D-Dancing, Disco balls


F-Forest, Fire, Fall

G-Green, Glitter

H-Humidity, Hammock, Holidays

I-Ice cream, IFS, Interior Design


K-Karaoke, Key Lime Pie

L-Lakes, Laughter, Loons, Live Music, Lilac

M-Music, Marshmallows, Mango, Morning



P-Pilates, Podcasts, Palm trees


R-Rollerskating, Rain

S-Sunsets, Sunflowers, Sea Lions, Singing, Stars

T-Trees, Taylor Swift, Tea, Trains, Travel

U-Us 😜


W-Waves, Walking, Wind, Watermelon

X- (The) XX

Y-Yoga, Yearbooks

Z-Zoomies, Zest

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I love this!!!!! Do you have a disco ball? I do. It’s a Feng Shui remedy on my lanai and it brings me so much joy!

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I don’t. But it’s on my list. I was researching if we could get one for outside.

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I was first inspired by a house next to an Airbnb we stayed in in Dallas. There was a disco ball in their front garden

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Yess. This is the vibe.

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Ohhh I love this, Kaitlyn. It brought up a few things I love that I missed, just by reading your list! I also love that Archie is top of the list 🥹❤️ by way of the alphabet and the heart I'm sure.

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I had to 😍

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Love it. I think the real benefit is sitting down and thinking alphabetically and realising that there are so many things you like.

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Yes! And I keep adding more! The world is so full of wonderful things! Thank you so much for inspiring this project, Neera!

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It's FriYAY! I'm game for a bit of play!

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I’m excited to see your list, Dawna!

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May 17·edited May 17Liked by Kelsey Abbott

Your list is so much fun.

Hopefully the words will start flowing soon. Sometimes a muze needs a rest too...

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Thank you! The ideas are there and I can pull the words out, but that’s not fun. I’m at my best when the words pour out of me.

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