It's so true and so hard to live by when we have been told we can't or do the opposite. I am finding it tricky with my substack at the moment as I have pigeon holed myself into writing around a particular topic and lost enthusiasm. 😁 Any tips? 🤔

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Mar 18Liked by Kelsey Abbott

Oh my, how much do I resonate with this!! I started out with giving myself permission to be messy and wild with my substack and then started to box myself into some lanes… and it’s been hard to write ever since. Feels like someone could host an incredible community for how to be MG on substack …. Kelsey?

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What a brilliant idea!

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YES!!! This is such a yes! Just need to be shown what it looks like. Ideas? Maybe it’s a whole new substack…

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Mar 18Liked by Kelsey Abbott

Maybe it's a Chat thread hosted by you for MGs?

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Right now I’m leaning towards a new substack for MGs with short weekly love notes, chat thread and monthly calls

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Mar 18Liked by Kelsey Abbott


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I’ll keep you posted! I’m so lit up about this and want to start right now. Hopefully it’ll be live by the end of the week

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Yes, you make the rules. What do you WANT to write about?

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29Liked by Kelsey Abbott

Some days I want to write about what I write about now. Then there are days a poem pops out. Then I think about writing children's books and getting my friend to create the pictures. I want to express myself and all that is my life and how I process it. I want to write about the nature I see all around me, how my body hurts and talks to me, how I see the world, how to make life simpler. I'd like to play more and write about my adventures into play. Hmm.. that would be a good one. Thanks for the question. It seems I do know. 🤣😘 I suppose I'm just scared that if I broaden it out I'll lose a lot of people but then they're not my people. Must be loads of us out there who want to get up each morning and just play. Especially us solar plaxus types. 😁

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And remember: you’ve gotta be brave enough to let go of the good to make space for the great!

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I have been aware of my human design for a few years now and trying to work with it. One of the things I know is that I am meant to have some sort of calling. I need to wait for the invitation from my network (2/4) so having a network in the first place is very much needed and being able to do it from my cave 😆but I also need stuff to respond to and have very little engagement with my network on here so far. So I think I then start doubting myself and that leads to thoughts of giving up at times. And then again that could just be the emotional roller coaster.... 🤣

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Do you know your Human Design environment?

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1Liked by Kelsey Abbott

Not sure but this is what i know so far...

I was told by a HD person that I need to have my own room (which I do) and to have a lock on it (which I don't as I don't think it's necessary). He also told me that I should be living somewhere more convenient. We live in a small hamlet just outside a village.

Don't know if this is relevant but I was told by two different astrologers when I was young that I would live abroad for a big chunk of my life. I am 56 now and my husband is still working at 74 and doesn't want to retire and depends on mostly local clients coming to him. So I can't see how that can happen and have no idea where I would want to be except I am convinced I feel better in a warmer climate.

I have a couple of reports from different places but neither is specific about this. I suspect it's important though because I have wanted to move for a long time and my husband just digs his heals in.

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Yes! Yes! Yes please write about all of this!!!!

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Nice to meet you, Karen, I’m struggling with the same thing. Yet finding examples of people who are truly following that joyful vibe to the hilt really helps. We’re here to show each other how to do this out of the box stuff. In a way, Substack was made for multi-passionates like us. I just posted on Office hours today, looking for other multis to support each other in our experiments, as we hone into forms of our truest expression.

More to come!

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Yesssssssss! We’re allowed to be ALL of us!

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I am finding examples here on Substack. It's the only place online I have felt at home. 😃 And when I do let go I feel so much better!

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And it’s all about feeling good!

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29Liked by Kelsey Abbott

Even though I already know this about MGs, I really needed to hear it today, as I'm flagging and in some self-doubt. Thank you, Kelsey angel! 😘

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You’re welcome! I sat down to write a love letter to generators yesterday and this one poured out instead. Maybe it was all for you, Lisa!

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🥰 It started yesterday, so perhaps you're right! 😉

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Lisa, I just checked out your profile. Noticing some thing about us MG multi passionates. We use emojis to help us communicate our multi selves. I’m wondering if we can create a supportive community around our particular challenges here on Substack?

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I’ve been thinking of hosting an MG mastermind for years! Is now the time?

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Perhaps yes. A little fairy 🧚 today told me I need to let go the things that aren’t fully me. And starting / leading a community is not it.

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Ha! I think it’s time to try out the new DM feature…

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Thank you, Kelsey! Human Design and hand analysis really do compliment each other in interesting ways. I too am looking forward to sharing the brilliance of HD in my Substack space eventually. I think everyone would benefit from knowing both in regards to their own paths, as each is inspiring and empowering in their unique ways.

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Thank you! It's a steep learning curve, but one that feels inspiring. Yes, Human Design is wonderful, as it really helps us understand how we use our energy effectively. And, there is no better teacher than Kelsey! 💗 Hopefully since we've connected, I will have a chance to surprise you with fun facts about hand analysis. 😎

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You're so sweet, Lisa. I'm excited to share your hand brilliance here someday. For everyone reading this comment, Lisa gave me a hand analysis and it blew my mind!

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Eeeeeeek I love us too!!! 🤪✨🫶

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What’s your favorite thing about being an MG?

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The permission to follow my gut wherever it leads me. I have this innate trust that all will be okay and it's never steered me wrong yet (only when I don't listen to it, but that's a me problem 🤣). The opportunity to be multi-passionate without shame is really exciting to me.

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2Author

It’s not just an opportunity to be multi-passionate, it’s a necessity for us! You’re free to love so many things!

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Exactly! It's really freeing

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Ooh this is all new to me. I'm going to sign up for my human design chart right now!

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Welcome to the rabbit hole! I’m excited to peek at your chart!

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Based on this post, I'm pretty certain I'm not a Manifesting Generator, but maybe I'll be surprised!

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You’re a Generator! I’ll write the Generator love letter soon. We have a lot in common, but also a lot of differences. Generators don’t tend to be as zig zaggy as MGs.

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Thanks for doing my chart for me. I'm eager to learn more about it and read that love letter!

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Christine, I just gave you a follow back. This is an interesting idea…I’ve only been on Substack for a few weeks, so I wouldn’t know where to start. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Welcome to substack! It's a lot of fun to get to learn new things (I had never heard of Human Design before!) and meet cool people like Kelsey!

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